Katerina Pitzner


Katerina Pitzner is an ordained Minister and holds a Bachelor in Science of Metaphysics

She is a public speaker, writer and a gifted psychic medium.

As a modern mystic, Katerina Pitzner blends the ancient wisdom of metaphysical laws with contemporary life, inspiring individuals to harness spiritual principles to create a better, more fulfilled existence. 

In a world that often prioritizes external achievements and material success, Katerina Pitzner inspires through her writing to search for a profound alternative rooted in the timeless understanding that true change and growth come from within. Pitzner’s approach to mysticism is both practical and transformative. When applying metaphysical laws individuals hold the key to shaping their reality. In understanding that thoughts, beliefs and behavior create the very foundation for our lives and by aligning with universal laws we can dramatically influence our personal success, relationships, and well-being.

Mysticism is not just about spiritual connection, but about applying the metaphysical laws that govern the universe to create tangible results. Whether it is achieving professional goals, finding deeper fulfillment in personal relationships, or improving one’s health and vitality, Pitzner’s work and studies bridges the gap between the mystical and the practical, offering a holistic path to living a more empowered and enlightened life.

As a modern mystic, Pitzner not only taps into her intuitive and clairvoyant abilities but also applies a logical, intellectual framework to spiritual practices, inspiring others to experience both the mystical and the practical. She encourages others to explore their own spiritual path in a way that resonates with their daily lives. 

Katerina Pitzner founded a succesfull award-winning diamond business and had her own national TV show. However, she made a bold decision to leave it al behind to fully embrace her passion for metaphysics and spiritual development. “The past few years have led to a complete reorganization of my life—a disruption of myself that  felt necessary from deep within. I was not unhappy, but there was a deep inner calling. My soul had a plan.”

Pitzner reflects on the courage required to live authentically: “If you strive for a life true to your inner self inspired by your soul, it may require big changes and the bravery to go against other people’s expectations.”

Lyt til Katerina Pitzners bog, Sjælens Begær, der handler om soulmates og den svære kærlighed helt GRATIS, en gave fra mig til dig. (På dansk). Fås som bog på Saxo. 


More background

Katerina Pitzner has switched between two careers three times. 

“Early on, starting when I was 20 years old, I spent 10 years in the diamond and jewelry industry, working in a high end jewelry retail store in Copenhagen, Denmark. It was exciting and I learned a lot about the products. After 10 years I was called to study NLP and business psychology counseling which led me into personal and spiritual development. I became a NLP Trainer and a certified Master Coach and Enneagram Master. 

By 2009, I was at a crossroad, having spent almost 10 years in jewelry and another 10 years in human ressource. The decision was whether to continue building my career in business psychology and spiritual development, or to pursue a business idea creating a unique diamond business, using the decade of experience I had already obtained from that industry. 

I chose the diamond business but knew that my spiritual foundation would remain a core part of who I am. So outwardly, I acted as a businesswoman, but inside, I remained a dedicated student of spirituality.  I founded Copenhagen Diamond Exchange that offered diamonds directly from international diamond dealers to the consumer. I designed and launched my signature jewelry design, INFINITY, which became a great success and which is warn by royalties and other connoisseurs.

I was able to create a flourishing career in a male-dominated industry and being one of few women allowed inside the trading floors on the international diamond bourses throughout the world.

It was an exciting period building a business and being a mother of 4. My family and I were spotted by the tv industry and we were offered to make our own national tv show. It was named The Diamond Family and it was all about our lives, careers and life’s ups and downs. 

It went on for almost 10 years, until we chose to withdraw. The show can still be streamed at TV2 Denmark.

From the outside, it may have seemed like I had it all; four wonderful children, a beautiful home, a thriving diamond business, I even had my own TV show, I published two books. 

And I actually did. But the inner calling never stopped.”

For years, Katerina balanced her life as a professional businesswoman with her inner life as a spiritual practitioner. She applied metaphysical laws to achieve material success, but as her external accomplishments grew, so did her inner imbalance. “The “detour” of 12 more years in the diamond industry taught me how to create a succesfull business by applying metaphysical principles. During this period the inner calling only became deeper.”

In 2022 Pitzner was at another cross road. 

“For a long time, ‘stay hungry’ was my mantra that kept me going. But gradually, that hunger consumed me, and I began to feel spiritually depleted. While the businesswoman in me celebrated each success, my soul quietly asked, ‘How much more? Why more?'”

Pitzner realized it was time to change. She no longer wanted to chase outer success. “I was not becoming happier by being so busy or by building an even bigger business. 

My soul had another plan and I finally surrendered.”

This realization led her to make yet another life-changing decision: she closed her thriving business, ended the TV show, despite the fact that the show had just set another viewership record after nine years. She moved to Italy and finished her Master degree in The Science of Metaphysics and is now pursuing her Doctoral degree in Philosophy with a Ph. D in Metaphysical Science. 

“Now, two years after leaving the business, I’ve returned to my true passion. I’m dedicating all my time to further deepening my spiritual practices and my understanding of the metaphysical laws. She has just opened up for public speaking and teaching again, but this time on an even stronger foundation.”