Copenhagen Diamond Exchange – Finding the perfect match
Katerina Pitzner deals directly on the world’s largest diamond exchanges and directly through professional polishers on behalf of both private clients and specialist investors. She does business all over Europe and Asia and is an expert in the diamond market – both from an outside investor’s point of view and from an insider’s perspective in a closed market that is not in the habit of opening its doors to just anyone.
Talks og seminarer med Katerina
Nordic Invest Camp
Hvis du interesserer dig for investering er Nordic Invest Camp måske noget for dig. Det er en årlig festival for investering, hvor…
Vinder af TV Pris 2020
Nu kan vi vidst ikke bede om mere. Sidste år vandt vores tv-program “Diamantfamilien” seernes stemmer i kategorien Bedste Karakterdrevne Serie. I…
Diamant investerings seminarer
Verdens største diamantmine lukker Det er ved at være sidste udkald for at få fat i de sjældne eftertragtede investeringsdiamanter. Copenhagen Diamond…